Rapport de vol
Date du vol
03 Apr 2024 09:04 UTC
Numéro de vol
ICAO Depart
ICAO Arrivée
ICAO Alternate
B737-800X AXP United Airlines N33286 737-800
Carburant utilisé
Heure de départ
Heure d'arrivée
Durée de vol
Vol XP
Taux d'atterrissage
Type de vol
ACARS flight.
Analyse du vol (31%)
Décrochage détecté
Crash détecté
Phares d'atterrissage en dessous de 10K
Phares d'atterrissage au-dessus de 10k
Survitesse / Contrainte détectée
Survitesse de taxi
Survitesse inférieure à 10k
Beacon désactivée Moteur activé
Balayage détecté
Pause détectée
Analyse de décollage/atterrissage (Taux d'atterrissage -1,000fpm)
Force G au décollage
Vitesse de rotation
Rotate Pitch
Rotate Bank
Gear-up Speed
Gear-up Altitude
Take-Off Winds
TAT Departure/Arrival
Touch-down G-Force
Touch-down Speed
Touch-down Pitch
Touch-down Bank
Gear-down Speed
Gear-down Altitude
Landing Winds
Touch-Down Spoilers Deployed
Flight Log
[07:41:20utc] You have successfully logged in Gerard Gillet.
[07:41:40utc] Your flight to LMML has now been started.
[07:41:40utc] Aircraft boarding in progress
[07:55:36utc] Detected aircraft taxiing
[07:56:39utc] Starting engine(s)
[07:58:56utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[07:59:41utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[08:07:53utc] Landing lights ON
[08:07:53utc] Landing lights OFF
[08:07:59utc] Landing lights ON
[08:07:59utc] Landing lights OFF
[08:08:03utc] Landing lights ON
[08:08:03utc] Landing lights OFF
[08:08:15utc] Landing lights ON
[08:08:15utc] Landing lights OFF
[08:08:23utc] Landing lights ON
[08:08:23utc] Landing lights OFF
[08:08:41utc] Landing lights ON
[08:08:41utc] Landing lights OFF
[08:08:45utc] Landing lights ON
[08:08:45utc] Landing lights OFF
[08:08:45utc] Detected take-off roll, WIND 355/0kt
[08:08:54utc] Landing lights ON
[08:08:55utc] Landing lights OFF
[08:09:09utc] Departing LGAV, IAS 152kt, G-force 1.18g, pitch -7.63deg, bank 0.06deg, VS 120fpm, HDG 037deg
[08:09:11utc] Gear UP, IAS 159kt, GS 169kt, ALT 300ft
[08:09:15utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 480ft
[08:09:15utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 490ft
[08:09:20utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 860ft
[08:09:20utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 880ft
[08:09:27utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 159kt, GS 167kt, VS 1652fpm, ALT 1130ft, PITCH -11.03deg, HDG 036deg, TAT 20deg, WIND 352/0kt
[08:09:49utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 1960ft
[08:09:49utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 1970ft
[08:09:52utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2020ft
[08:09:52utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2030ft
[08:09:56utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2100ft
[08:09:56utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2100ft
[08:10:14utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2410ft
[08:10:14utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2420ft
[08:10:15utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2460ft
[08:10:15utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2470ft
[08:10:22utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2730ft
[08:10:22utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2740ft
[08:10:25utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2840ft
[08:10:25utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2840ft
[08:11:07utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5110ft
[08:11:07utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5120ft
[08:11:14utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5480ft
[08:11:14utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5500ft
[08:11:19utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5780ft
[08:11:19utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5780ft
[08:11:20utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5830ft
[08:11:20utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5830ft
[08:11:24utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5880ft
[08:11:25utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5880ft
[08:11:33utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 5920ft
[08:11:33utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 5920ft
[08:11:54utc] Aircraft at 5990ft, IAS 239kt, GS 266kt, HDG 027deg, TAT 10deg, WIND 307/2kt
[08:13:11utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 250kt, GS 274kt, VS 133fpm, ALT 6000ft, PITCH -2.98deg, HDG 234deg, TAT 10deg, WIND 307/2kt
[08:13:22utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 5960ft, IAS 251kt, GS 276kt, HDG 238deg, VS -222fpm, TAT 10deg, WIND 306/2kt
[08:13:35utc] Aircraft at 5960ft, IAS 250kt, GS 274kt, HDG 245deg, TAT 10deg, WIND 305/2kt
[08:13:51utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 249kt, GS 272kt, VS 74fpm, ALT 5970ft, PITCH -3.25deg, HDG 260deg, TAT 10deg, WIND 304/3kt
[08:14:01utc] Aircraft at 5970ft, IAS 250kt, GS 272kt, HDG 261deg, TAT 10deg, WIND 303/3kt
[08:14:10utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 246kt, GS 266kt, VS 2149fpm, ALT 6170ft, PITCH -8.22deg, HDG 261deg, TAT 9deg, WIND 301/4kt
[08:28:40utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 33970ft, IAS 273kt, GS 424kt, HDG 257deg, VS -90fpm, TAT -52deg, WIND 239/32kt
[08:28:51utc] Aircraft at 33970ft, IAS 271kt, GS 422kt, HDG 257deg, TAT -52deg, WIND 239/33kt
[08:28:58utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 270kt, GS 420kt, VS 53fpm, ALT 33980ft, PITCH -2.31deg, HDG 257deg, TAT -52deg, WIND 239/32kt
[08:29:01utc] Aircraft at 33980ft, IAS 270kt, GS 420kt, HDG 257deg, TAT -52deg, WIND 239/33kt
[08:38:25utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 269kt, GS 426kt, VS 146fpm, ALT 34010ft, PITCH -1.98deg, HDG 260deg, TAT -52deg, WIND 297/30kt
[08:38:39utc] Aircraft at 34020ft, IAS 270kt, GS 428kt, HDG 260deg, TAT -52deg, WIND 296/31kt
[08:54:14utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 269kt, GS 445kt, VS 53fpm, ALT 34040ft, PITCH -2.23deg, HDG 263deg, TAT -52deg, WIND 345/62kt
[08:54:15utc] Aircraft at 34040ft, IAS 269kt, GS 445kt, HDG 263deg, TAT -52deg, WIND 345/62kt
[09:09:43utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 33950ft, IAS 267kt, GS 465kt, HDG 265deg, VS -1124fpm, TAT -52deg, WIND 002/91kt
[09:17:14utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED, IAS 297kt, ALT 15130ft
[09:23:53utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 225kt, GS 243kt, VS 179fpm, ALT 2990ft, PITCH -4.08deg, HDG 220deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 063/11kt
[09:24:01utc] Spoilers RETRACTED , IAS 214kt, ALT 3000ft
[09:24:16utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2980ft, IAS 212kt, GS 224kt, HDG 184deg, VS -160fpm, TAT 13deg, WIND 074/11kt
[09:24:35utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:24:35utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:24:38utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 193kt, GS 200kt, VS 109fpm, ALT 2980ft, PITCH -4.64deg, HDG 154deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 085/11kt
[09:24:44utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:24:45utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:24:46utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:24:46utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:24:48utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:24:49utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:24:49utc] Aircraft at 2980ft, IAS 189kt, GS 194kt, HDG 139deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 083/11kt
[09:24:51utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:24:51utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:25:31utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2990ft
[09:25:31utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2990ft
[09:25:49utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 180kt, GS 187kt, VS 205fpm, ALT 3020ft, PITCH -3.17deg, HDG 131deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 068/11kt
[09:26:00utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2980ft, IAS 177kt, GS 179kt, HDG 131deg, VS -173fpm, TAT 13deg, WIND 062/11kt
[09:26:17utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2970ft
[09:26:17utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2970ft
[09:26:23utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 159kt, GS 159kt, VS 209fpm, ALT 2990ft, PITCH -4.71deg, HDG 131deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 083/11kt
[09:26:28utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3000ft
[09:26:28utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3000ft
[09:26:33utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2990ft
[09:26:34utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2990ft
[09:26:35utc] Aircraft at 2990ft, IAS 159kt, GS 161kt, HDG 131deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 078/11kt
[09:26:36utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2990ft
[09:26:36utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2990ft
[09:26:39utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2990ft
[09:26:39utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:26:59utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:27:00utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:27:01utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:27:01utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:27:13utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2970ft
[09:27:13utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2970ft
[09:27:23utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 161kt, GS 161kt, VS 91fpm, ALT 2990ft, PITCH -3.92deg, HDG 129deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 092/11kt
[09:27:28utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:27:28utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:27:31utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:27:31utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:27:35utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2970ft, IAS 156kt, GS 161kt, HDG 132deg, VS -88fpm, TAT 14deg, WIND 066/11kt
[09:27:44utc] Aircraft at 2970ft, IAS 156kt, GS 159kt, HDG 132deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 069/11kt
[09:27:47utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 156kt, GS 157kt, VS 58fpm, ALT 2980ft, PITCH -4.68deg, HDG 133deg, TAT 14deg, WIND 084/11kt
[09:27:51utc] Aircraft at 2980ft, IAS 156kt, GS 156kt, HDG 132deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 085/11kt
[09:27:54utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:27:54utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:27:57utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:27:57utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:28:28utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3010ft
[09:28:28utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3010ft
[09:28:32utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 155kt, GS 157kt, VS 230fpm, ALT 3020ft, PITCH -2.98deg, HDG 131deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 080/11kt
[09:28:39utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 3010ft
[09:28:39utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 3000ft
[09:28:41utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2990ft
[09:28:42utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2990ft
[09:28:44utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2980ft, IAS 155kt, GS 159kt, HDG 131deg, VS -236fpm, TAT 13deg, WIND 075/11kt
[09:28:58utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2970ft
[09:28:58utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2970ft
[09:29:01utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2970ft
[09:29:01utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2970ft
[09:29:03utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:29:04utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:29:05utc] Aircraft at 2980ft, IAS 153kt, GS 156kt, HDG 131deg, TAT 13deg, WIND 070/11kt
[09:29:10utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:29:10utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:29:17utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2980ft
[09:29:17utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2980ft
[09:29:26utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 2900ft, IAS 160kt, GS 163kt, HDG 131deg, VS -894fpm, TAT 14deg, WIND 081/11kt
[09:29:33utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2780ft
[09:29:34utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2780ft
[09:29:55utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2510ft
[09:29:55utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2500ft
[09:30:14utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 153kt, GS 156kt, ALT 2260ft
[09:30:15utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 2250ft
[09:30:16utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 2240ft
[09:30:36utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 1960ft
[09:30:36utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 1950ft
[09:30:38utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 1920ft
[09:30:39utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 1920ft
[09:30:48utc] On approach, IAS 149, VS -813fpm, ALT 1800ft, pitch -0.44deg, HDG 132deg
[09:31:20utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 1370ft
[09:31:21utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 1370ft
[09:31:41utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 1120ft
[09:31:41utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 1110ft
[09:31:43utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 1080ft
[09:31:44utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 1080ft
[09:32:34utc] Landing lights ON
[09:32:34utc] Landing lights OFF
[09:32:36utc] Landed with a landing rate of -1770fpm, touchdown speed 129kt, G-force 3.94g, pitch -7.11deg, bank -6.95deg
[09:32:37utc] Landed with a landing rate of -1770fpm, touchdown speed 129kt, G-force 3.94g, pitch -7.11deg, bank -6.95deg
[09:32:40utc] Spoilers DEPLOYED
[09:32:43utc] Landing lights ON
[09:32:44utc] Landing lights OFF
[09:32:55utc] Spoilers RETRACTED
[09:33:35utc] Landing lights ON
[09:33:35utc] Landing lights OFF
[09:33:44utc] Aircraft taxiing to the ramp
[09:33:45utc] Landing lights ON
[09:33:45utc] Landing lights OFF
[09:33:58utc] Landing lights ON
[09:33:59utc] Landing lights OFF
[09:34:41utc] Landing lights ON
[09:34:42utc] Landing lights OFF
[09:34:52utc] Landing lights ON
[09:34:53utc] Landing lights OFF
[09:35:02utc] Engine(s) shutdown
[09:35:02utc] Aircraft parked
[09:35:51utc] Landing lights ON
[09:35:51utc] Landing lights OFF